Oh how time flies! I've already done two full courses in school and there is only one remaining this semester. So nice to finally have time to spend with friends, draw and do nothing.
I watched some classic movies too that I remember were really good. K-pax with Kevin Spacey and A beautiful mind with Russel Crowe. Two really good movies that I strongly recomend.
It's funny how my taste in movies changed, it's probably age-related (getting old you know)
I used to love action movies and fantasy etc, nowadays I just love a thick thriller/drama with a deep purpose and brutal reality. Those two titles that I mentioned earlier are a perfect example of the movies I seem to prefer now. Silence of the lambs with Anthony hopkins and the other in the hannibal series (Hannibal and Red Dragon) are also nice thrillers that I watched quite recently.
Well I'm not saying I dislike action movies or any other genre in particular now, just that I'm in a "thriller period" apparently.
So well I didn't draw very much since I hung out with friends and were occupied all weekend with other stuff but here's a close-up on the eye that I think is almost all done.
Who is it? ;)
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