söndag 1 april 2012

About dieting

So a quick update on my diet. 
Two weeks have passed as of today and I feel some great changes already.
I don't know exactly how much weight I've actually lost but I feel energized, more alert and I don't have a crawing for sugar or sweets at all any more. I have to admit I've been eating a bit one-sided with chicken or fish of some sort every day but that's ok as long as I complement it with various vegetables and fruits for vitamins. I'm also eating omega 3 which is like lubricating oil for the brain.
Studies show that omega 3 prevents psychic diseases and actually makes the brain bigger in size!
The brain is made up of diffrent fats and eating omega 3 for the brain is the equivalent of eating protein for your muscles. It also helps prevent heart disease which is primarily the reason older people are recommended to eat it.

The greatest profit though of eating healthy is the change in my mood. Before I would always be tired and then I would eat something with high carbs because it tasted best. I would then get more hungry because sugar increases the apetite. Well I've always been thinking about what I've been eating since I have been working out or going to the gym almost every week for the past years, in that sense that I need much protein to get strong, which I did but also fat and lazy. I never thought about avoiding the bad stuff too and eat healthy food besides protein.

Lately I've been finding myself just happy and in a good mood for no reason, something that's never happend in many years. I strongly believe it's the effect of me starting to eat healthy.
I still have a long way to go though before I reach my goals of the training, but as they say; the journey is more important than the destination.

I don't only draw portraits or people as this blog probably has made the impression of.
This is a demon I drew some time last year :)

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