söndag 29 april 2012


So I'm blogging in the morning for once :) 

Here is some sweet wake-up music.

I think there are two types of people when it comes to music;
those who listen to the lyrics and want a meaning with each song.
Some people I know love sertain bands but can't listen to some of their songs just because they don't "agree" to the lyrics or whatever.
I'm the exact opposite, I couldn't care less about the lyrics.
For example one of my all time favourite bands - Rammstein sing in german of course.
I don't understand half of the lyrics I just love the music and the singing and the mood.

The same goes for anything I listen to, Kent (who is in the first video) sing in my native language but if you asked me what their songs are about I couldn't answer, because I just don't think about it.

I imagine the first category of people - the "lyrics listeners" are mostly into rap, hip-hop, raggae, pop, RnB etc. My category the "music listeners" are into rock, metall, techno etc.
This is of course a large rationalization and not true for everybody or maybe just half-true, but in general I think this is the kind of music the two "groups" lean towards.

Here is another awesome song that I heard a long time ago but just got reminded of.
Lay down - Pristess, you guitar hero fanboys out there might know this one :)

So what do you think? Do you also think there are two types of music listeners?

I'll see you around :)

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