tisdag 20 mars 2012

Some movie trailers for 2012

So here are some of the movies I look forward to in 2012. I'm a big sci-fi fan and so this year's big movie for me is going to be "prometheus" for many reasons. Number one: Ridley Scot is directing it!
(It's an Alien sequel). Sweden's Noomi Rapace is cast as the leading role which is exiting, she is a great actor and it will be intresting to see her do this.

But first another sci-fi and this one is going to be awesome but totally ridiculous.
Liam Neeson and Rihanna fighting aliens in a movie based on the board-game "battleships"
which I'm sure you have all played. See for yourself!

Another ridiculous movie is "Abraham Lincon - Vampire Slayer" but it seems to be quite well-made and have a high budget , judging by the trailer of course. During the American civil war Abraham Lincon the 16:th president of the united states becomes aware that vampires are trying to take over the country and sets of on a mission to prevent this.

It's not a comedy but how can you not laugh at this?? Seems awesome either way :P

And so at last the trailer for "Prometheus" For me this is going to be the most exiting movie of this year. Avatar you can have the kids, I'm watching this!

And a quick update on the diet. I'M FREAKING HUNGRY! It's 18:30 and I ate the full quote of calories for the whole day already and I'm still hungry -.-

I need to buy some rice-cakes or something to snack on for times like these. Come on now Adam in eight weeks you can eat like a normal person again, FML.

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