torsdag 15 mars 2012

First Post!

So this is my new blog. For those who have been following the old one "" know I haven't been blogging actively for like a year.
I used to only write about movies, movie trivia and doing reviews. It was fun and all but got quite tiresome and since the last site-name was so strange I thought I'd create a new blog which is easier to find and with a better name.

I thought now I would still do movie reviews from time to time but also post new art I make and just write stuff from the top of my head. So to summarize, this blog is basically not about anything, just stuff I want to post or write about :)

So I've always been the traditional art kind of guy. When I open photoshop and start to draw something I feel like a 80-year old grandpa trying to send an sms.
Most of the times I start drawing something, get frustrated because it's so ugly and get a pen and paper instead :P

Here is a VIP from my newest project though (this image is probably not even half-finished)
The finished result or more VIP:s will be posted soon!

Have a great day everybody! :)

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