fredag 18 maj 2012

End of the diet! sort of...

So my diet is soon coming to an end. In "celebration" I want to go through some of my weight- periods in my life. Because there have been quite a few.

Here I am 16 years old. Quite gaunt looking. I never were very physically active in my youth or earlier youth depending on what you want to call it (I'm 21 now) but I didn't really care for food in particular.

Here I am 19, this picture was taken actually two months before I enrolled in the military.
Well what I wanted to show with this picture is that I had stopped growing taller and had started to put on some weight. Here I weighted a bit over 90 if I can recall correctly.
I never thought of myself as chubby or anything but I definitly wasn't in good shape.

These pictures were both taken during 2010 when I were in the army. Here my weight was 75 which is the lowest I have ever weigh during my adult life. Due to my new "lifestyle" I lost around 13-15 kgs and ran the mile (10 km) in 46:16. I was made of skin, bones and quite the endurance.

This is me during 2011. Good bye exercise and hello cookies!
Around 95 kgs of "happiness". I was still working out quite a lot at the gym and all that but never got myself to eat healthy, the result is in the picture.

During the end of 2011 (November) to be exact I got a job at a paper-factory.
I worked 12-hour shifts and the work was very physical. The result of that was that I had lost a few kilos to around 90 when I resigned in january and started to study at the university/college.

In mars of 2012 my weight was 89 kilos and I desided I wanted to lose all the excess fat.
Again I didn't think of myself as over-weight or unhealthy.

This is what I looked like:

 Not very sexy I know...

So my goal was to lose eight kilos over a period of approximatley eight weeks.
I have already written about what I eat and so on, if you are intrested in that you can go back and read previous posts.

So well this morning:

 I have more or less reached my goal weight and that's why I desided to do this summary.

So this is me today in comparison to myself two months ago:

I think the diffrence is noticeable. In the first picture I look pale, tired and out of shape.
I feel the diffrence too, before I was always tired and almost depressed,
now I feel more energetic and actually happy the most time. I mean I'm not a clown who walks around everywhere smiling about nothing but I feel more positive and I can approach stuff in my every day life with a better attitude.

This is really a case of "you didn't know you were sick until you got treated"
This is only 8-9 kilos diffrence but I feel like a new person.

Also the reason for showing all these pictures was not to try to brag or impress anyone but rather to show how easy it is to change. If I can do it (I'm semi-retarded) anybody can.

Before I'm all done though I want to lose around two kilos more. I think my ideal weight right now would be between 78-79.

Last but not least a big thanks to my friends Martin Outinen and Niklas Sabel for the help, support and inspiration, especially Martin for making me a whole diet-plan and workout schedule, you are a champion!

I'll end this post with a quote I picked up during my time in the military -

"If you don't put aside time for exercise you'll eventually have to put aside time for illness"

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