onsdag 30 maj 2012

Wip 1

My progress so far. Not much done so far but, might still be fun to see it in it's very very early stage.
So as you can see after doing the basic outlines and so on I just start to shade in large areas.
I don't focus on getting it 100% perfect at this point, a little off here and there doesn't matter, it can always be altered or redone later if it looks bad.

Any game of thrones fans out there?

Also this seems to be what you like to see, posts with new drawings always get the most views here.
I will try to draw more during the summer :) Maybe some fun draw something small every day challenge or something, we'll see. Getting off school will definitely relieve some tension off me so hopefully more drawing and more blogging in the weeks to come :)


tisdag 29 maj 2012

New Portrait!

Finally! And a real badass this time :)


So I'm curious, what do you guys want me to write about? If I get no responses I'll continue with random stuff as I have before, just note that there is a comment section under each post.
I know it's frustrating to have to log in and so on just to comment, I would have designed it much diffrent but well just know that you can :)

Anyway so I have been off my diet now for a couple of days. My stomache is clearly not used to eating much carbs or sugar, without saying too much... Other than that things are pretty normal I guess.
Although I think my by body got some kind of carb/energy shock because I was out running today and I ran for almost two hours straight, something I have never done before in my entire life.
I think it's a combination of beeing those extra kilos lighter and eating much more carbs than before (which are the body's main source of energy).
Anyway It makes me happy to have made so much progress in the cardio part as well as losing weight.
I think I am going to sign up for a running event who takes place this fall, just for fun :)

Or maybe I should just stop working out and get one of these, what could go wrong?

Safe House

So I saw a pretty nice movie yesterday - Safe House.

Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds.
You know Denzel only makes one kind of movie and it's the action/thriller.
He's good at it and you know in advance what it's going to be like, I just think it would be fun to see him do something else some time. Ryan on the other hand does many diffrent movies and he fits right in here as well, a good actor I have to admit.

Safe House starts intresting and you don't know who's the bad guy and who's the good guy, you don't know anything. As things progresses it starts to clear out and about 30 minutes in it becomes a regular boring (in my oppinion) action movie. It got so boring I had to pause it and ponder about wether or not I wanted to continue watching. I paused it for an hour or so and then decided to continue, to my relief it got better and better the more it progressed. It ended out beeing actually quite good.

I'll do a short summary of the plot; Ryan Reynolds is a safe house keeper for the CIA, his job is to sit in an empty house in case some CIA agent would bring someone there for interogation or whatever.
Denzel Washington plays a former CIA agent who started to sell out national secrets to other countries. He becomes captured and taken to the safe house Ryan is keeping.
Soon the house gets breached by a bunch of bad guys who are there for Denzel.
Ryan takes Denzel and escapes the house and soon he is chased by the other guys and as it turnes out, no one can be trusted, not even his employers the CIA.

My rating will be 6 out of 10. Have a little patience and it will turn out to be a pretty ok movie.

fredag 18 maj 2012

End of the diet! sort of...

So my diet is soon coming to an end. In "celebration" I want to go through some of my weight- periods in my life. Because there have been quite a few.

Here I am 16 years old. Quite gaunt looking. I never were very physically active in my youth or earlier youth depending on what you want to call it (I'm 21 now) but I didn't really care for food in particular.

Here I am 19, this picture was taken actually two months before I enrolled in the military.
Well what I wanted to show with this picture is that I had stopped growing taller and had started to put on some weight. Here I weighted a bit over 90 if I can recall correctly.
I never thought of myself as chubby or anything but I definitly wasn't in good shape.

These pictures were both taken during 2010 when I were in the army. Here my weight was 75 which is the lowest I have ever weigh during my adult life. Due to my new "lifestyle" I lost around 13-15 kgs and ran the mile (10 km) in 46:16. I was made of skin, bones and quite the endurance.

This is me during 2011. Good bye exercise and hello cookies!
Around 95 kgs of "happiness". I was still working out quite a lot at the gym and all that but never got myself to eat healthy, the result is in the picture.

During the end of 2011 (November) to be exact I got a job at a paper-factory.
I worked 12-hour shifts and the work was very physical. The result of that was that I had lost a few kilos to around 90 when I resigned in january and started to study at the university/college.

In mars of 2012 my weight was 89 kilos and I desided I wanted to lose all the excess fat.
Again I didn't think of myself as over-weight or unhealthy.

This is what I looked like:

 Not very sexy I know...

So my goal was to lose eight kilos over a period of approximatley eight weeks.
I have already written about what I eat and so on, if you are intrested in that you can go back and read previous posts.

So well this morning:

 I have more or less reached my goal weight and that's why I desided to do this summary.

So this is me today in comparison to myself two months ago:

I think the diffrence is noticeable. In the first picture I look pale, tired and out of shape.
I feel the diffrence too, before I was always tired and almost depressed,
now I feel more energetic and actually happy the most time. I mean I'm not a clown who walks around everywhere smiling about nothing but I feel more positive and I can approach stuff in my every day life with a better attitude.

This is really a case of "you didn't know you were sick until you got treated"
This is only 8-9 kilos diffrence but I feel like a new person.

Also the reason for showing all these pictures was not to try to brag or impress anyone but rather to show how easy it is to change. If I can do it (I'm semi-retarded) anybody can.

Before I'm all done though I want to lose around two kilos more. I think my ideal weight right now would be between 78-79.

Last but not least a big thanks to my friends Martin Outinen and Niklas Sabel for the help, support and inspiration, especially Martin for making me a whole diet-plan and workout schedule, you are a champion!

I'll end this post with a quote I picked up during my time in the military -

"If you don't put aside time for exercise you'll eventually have to put aside time for illness"

måndag 14 maj 2012

Quick sketch

Listened to the awesome death metal band "Deals death" for like 1,5 hours and now my ears are kind of soar. Drew this meanwhile and thought I'd put it here since it was a while I put up a picture.

lördag 12 maj 2012


First of all sorry to all my regular readers for not updating in a few days. I wanted to write something quite badly, I even started a new post but I couldn't for all I was worth come up with something interesting to put down.

But ah well so here I am again. I wanted to update you a bit on my training and dieting again, was a while since I think.
Today my weight was 82 kg (with jeans and a shirt on) so let's say about 81.
That is a total loss of seven-eight kilos so far and I feel very happy about that. I still have a few to go though and I estimate like two weeks more of dieting. I would have been done this week or so but because since I was sick for a while and so on I desided to extend it a bit.

Went to the gym today to do back and biceps. Felt very good and today I reached a milestone or what I should call it. For very long one of my goals with my training was to do my own weight in bench press, recently I reached that goal and more which I feel very happy about. I managed to bench press 90 kg and my body weight is as I said before 81. And today while doing back I managed to dead-lift 160 kg which is double my own weight!

That's all for now I think, I will probably start a new portrait soon too :)
Wips of that will of course be posted.

Have a great day everybody, and remember that:

torsdag 3 maj 2012


Ok so I watched the movie Chronicle the other day.

And I would like to "apologize" in advance for the lenght of this review, I suppose this is for hardcore readers xD

I think the super-hero/supernatural genre has really taken off recently.
Chronicle is basically a mix between x-men, american pie and cloverfield.

And yeah also a new adition to the "handheld/vlogging" camera style.
I mean when the whole movie is shot like a documentary or a vlog by the characters themselves.
If you have seen movies like "The Blair Witch Project", Cloverfield, REC, Quarantine or Paranormal Activity you get what I mean. There are probably many more like them but that's the once I could think of on top of my head.

Ok guys, brace yourselves for sarcasm for here comes my review :P

So this movie was retarded from the beginning. The main character Andrew has bought a camera and is going to start "filming everything" for no obvious reason. Ok I can accept that for the sake of this movie, I don't like it but I can accept it.
Then he follows his cousin to a party in a barn in the woods where he just goes around and filming everybody.
Then some random dude he never met tells him to follow him into the forest where he has been for no reason and found a hole in the ground.
Andrew tags along and yes there is a hole in the ground.
Then what do they do? What every normal person would do in real life when they find a hole in the ground in the forest, they jump in....
Inside they find a big crystal who changes colours and they faint or something.
The next you know they have superpowers and are video-taping themselves fooling around with it.

In it's wholeness the movie was ok, It wasn't boring enough that I coudn't watch the whole thing atleast. But as you can imagine I think It was really stupid and unmotivated.
There were no answers or logical reason for anything that occured.
It's like the scrips writers came up with a "cool" idea for a movie but put no thought in why or how this would make sense.

Ok I know this is a sci-fi/fantasy and isn't supposed to be realistic or anything but even a fantasy movie can be realistic and thought through! Take the "rise of the planet of the apes" for example.
Yes I know events like that would probably never happen but everything was so though through and well explained and it all made sense and It was very satisfactory in a way fantasy movies sadly very rearely are.

My score for Chronicle is 4 out of 10. Quite entertaining but lacked all the necessary ingredients to make it memerable and the build-up was horribly bad and even frustrating.

onsdag 2 maj 2012


So some of you have been wondering a little more specific what I eat during my diet so I though I would show you a bit more thoroughly.

So these are some of the stuff I eat normally. Milk, fun light, sometimes diet-sodas and water of course.
That's pretty much all I drink.

I try to eat much fruits and I prefer kiwi, oranges, bananas and so on.

I eat vegetables to almost every meal. Tomatoes, cucumber, lattuce, bell-pepper etc.

So I eat a normal meal two times each day. I pretty much eat sallad with tuna, chicken, salmon,
stuff like that. And I try to eat carbs as little as possible, normaly I eat only protein and sallad.
But everybody needs carbs of course and I prefer potatoes and rice.
I like pasta too but I don't normally eat that during my diet.

For breakfast I like to eat boiled eggs, liver paté, rice cakes, dark bread (sometimes)
poridge, cottage cheese etc etc.

When I "snack" inbetween meals or in the evening I eat rice cakes, curd which is basically high protein yoghurt, fruits etc.

Days I don't eat fish I take omega-3 capsules and sometimes drinkable vitamin-C too.

So that's basically it. And of course I'm not a nazi officer, I do eat some less healthy stuff sometimes too but then I have to cut down on the other foods I eat to avoid going over my estimated daily calories number.

This was today's dinner. I try not to eat carbs after like six o'clock because the body stores them during the night and you want to burn fat not carbs.

So far I seem to have lost about five kilos during a little more than a month.
When I have lost three or four kilos more I am done :)
Then I will start eating normally again, but sensible of course since I don't want to gain those kilos back again.

So that's basically it, hope you found it interesting and ask me stuff if you'd like.