So I asked you guys what you wanted me to write about, one suggestion (well the only suggestion) was to make a list of things that makes me sigh and wonder where humanity is headed.
I thought about it and I would like to give it a little twist, so here is my list of stuff in the world that irritates me and makes me sigh at the same time :P
So see people I listen to my readers :) Give me more suggestions for things you want to see here and I will do my best to oblige.
1. So first off, what is it about tv-shows these days? I have many in mind but one in particular -
"Let's dance" Ok, It was a little funny when it started airing in like 500 B.C
Some celebrities dance-battleing it out, but come on already! Can we get some originallity here for once in a while? After like 100 straight years of this show there would maybe be time for some renewal? This year's winner wasn't even a B or C-celebrity, he is the son of a former fotball player. Why not just go out in the street and ask a bum to dance? That would atleast be funny to watch.
2. People who say they can't lose weight because of bad genes and give up.
"I can't lose weight because my whole family is fat and we have bad genes" No I'm sorry but you're obese because you drink 5 litres of coke every day and fetch all your food at McDonalds then go home and play world of warcraft for 15 hours.
Don't get me wrong here, I have absolutely nothing against these people, if that's how they want to live their lives and feel happy then by all means go ahead, but I do believe that even if you're paralyzed from the neck down you can make a diet and stick to it. If you eat less calories than the body uses you are going to lose weight, it's really not more complicated than that.
3. The semi-new political idea of allocating women into boards or councils or workplaces in general.
"All boards should have atleast 50% women or else it's discrimination" Yes some people probably are more likely to hire men than women for some strange reason because men have a higher "work- spirit" or "men work and women take care of the home" or som bullshit like that, but that way of thinking won't exist in a few years. Those who still think like that are probably elderly and brought up in a diffrent society than the one we are living in right now.
If a board or council were to hire women it would be because of their skills or education, not because they are a minority. Some professions just attract more or less of one gender, does that mean something is wrong? Should we force women to become plumbers, mechanics and lumberjacks?
Let's say 50 women and 200 men (or the other way around) apply for a pool of 10 jobs, in my mind it would be totally outrageous and unfair to hire five men and five women to avoid "discrimination" Do you see a paradox here perhaps?
4. Last but not least, one thing that annoys and irritates me beyond words. Something that I really don't understand how it can exist. It is the most useless and dreadful object I can think about in the whole world. This:
The paper always gets ripped off inside and you have to stick your whole hand inside and spinn the roll for an hour or two until you find the end. Once you try to rip it off it breaks in the middle, you don't have enough paper to wipe and you have to find the end again. By the time you have enough paper the shit in your ass is hardened stone and you have lost half your bodyweight due to starvation.
The smoke detectors will have probably gone off too from all the steam coming out of your ears.
Indeed a first world problem but come on! Why not at least make the cover transparent so you can see where the end is?
I hope you found this at least somewhat intresting to read and good night everybody :)
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