I've been thinking quite a lot about the concept of beeing "introvert", meaning someone who is thinking rather than speaking, someone who's percieved as shy or drawn back.
Better explained here:
Beeing shy and introverted are two enirely different things though, also nobody is either only introverted or extroverted. We are all somewhere in the middle of the specrum, just more or less towards either side of it.
More on the subject:
That beeing said, after I saw these videos I immideately identified myself as more of an "introvert".
My entire life I've been the "silent type" (that's what teachers said althrough elementary school atlest).
I have oppinions in all different matters but I just don't feel I have the need to express them. I know what I think and respect what others think. I don't want to convince someone something, that's for politicians. I like to listen though and develope myself, getting more all around educated and think broader. Yet again I just don't have the need to tell others what to think and the concept of arguing is to me pointless. For this I've been called "shy" and "drawn back".
Society today is built around extroverts and we need to be outgoing and "sell" ourselves in orders to get a job or a place in a community. All job applications I've applied for last years have the demand for "social skills". Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-social, I am quite the social guy who loves hanging with buddies and so on. I just don't feel I have to engange in social activities every day to feel part of something. For this I've always felt the need to change myself, beeing by yourself is not desired. Even today at university level education, almost everything is about working as a group, learning to exchange ideas and collaborate to benefit society later.
In this "quest" for changing myself to fit the template I've gone to some lenghts. I don't regret that today, it's helped me a lot, but that's mainly because there's no place for somebody who's not thriving in the limelight to be of help or interest.
I'd rather sit at home alone watching a movie or drawing than going out to the bar, and thinking about it what's really wrong with that? I have no other career ambition other that finding something that I enjoy doing, I don't need to get rich or famous. Actually I'd rather not.
My only ambition in life is to be happy. Seems strange to many but thinking about it it's very logical. I don't need to change myself to please others. I am social when I feel like it and give myself personal space when I need it.
That's it. People are different and have always been. What I've not realised until quite recently is that we need to create room for us to be ourselves, politically and socially.
Self-contemplation is a good source for positive change but often forgotten about.
Not every solution can be found by discussing or arguing and is it a democracy if only the people who crave to be heard are? Are those with the most ambition the best suited leaders?`Can one be "social" and truly be themselves at the same? I am not sure but this needs to be put into consideration more often.
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