torsdag 17 januari 2013


So I just thought for the heck of it I would share some of my thoughts regarding facebook.
The currently largest social media site and kind of the center of the internet it seems, even my milk-bottle tells me to go there godammit.

I look at facebook probably 20-30 times a day when I'm at the computer, not because I care what is there but it has become a habit. Frankly I just get annoyed most the time when I'm there, "like in 3 seconds, otherwise this kitten will drown" or "share this irrelevant picture to 500 people to save the world" or even "you have over 9000 requests to play farmville".

There are aspects I like too of course. It's an easy and fun way to interact with people and perhaps stay in touch with old school buddies etc that you wouldn't have otherwise. Get invited to events and so on.

I think people tend to take it too seriously though. They panic if they aren't available at all times and stuff in their life has no meaning unless it can be shared with everyone, at least the essense of it, to creat a little jealousy. Live in the current folks, enjoy moments instead of wurring about how to get them onto the internet. I have the same issue with people who go on vacations and take five billion photos of everything, when they get home will they feel they really experienced the place or will they feel like they just made a photo-album for themselves in case they got alzeimers?

Which quickly brings me to the next topic. Facebook brings forth a false picture of reality. People will in general only write about stuff that makes them happy or they are proud of. When was the last time your heard someone write about how bad they are at driving or how insufficient they feel?
In reality not everybody is happy all the time and has a perfect life, it's just those parts they feel comfortable about sharing.

Is there a thought behind every status update, think about that for a while. If someone writes for example "just had the best wine ever" what purpose does that really serve? Does the wine taste better if a few people like the status? Will someone else benefit from reading that? It's kind of pointless when you think about it.

Instead write something that will make people smile, write something insightful that will make them think or gain something from it. Share happiness with others instead of trying to get them to make you happy.

Speaking from my own experience, good self esteem or self-satisfaction does not come from other people telling you how great you are, it comes from the ability to not give a shit about what others think in the first place. Think about that the next time you "facebook"

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