So it was quite a long time since I wrote anything about health/fitness so why not.
I didn't know it but I have a caffeine addiction. When I started drinking coffee it made me more alert in school and could keep my head in the game for a bit longer. Things soon got out of hand and it got to the point where I would wake up in the morning and immediately drink up to half a litre of coffe (50 cl) just to wake up. Even after this I would be tired all day, drink energy drinks, coca cola and stuff without an end.
When I decided to stop I got a headache, I felt moody and unmotivated to do anything. I was more tired than before but I knew I needed to stop or atleast start make my caffein intake "normal/not exaggerated". The headache lasted for two days, I started to feel a little more energized after a while and today when I woke up I was quite fresh and motivated to do stuff.
Hm so that's what I've done more recently, other than my normal workouts. Here it's springtime and it has gotten a lot warmer outside, which has made me exercise more outside. I've gone for a few runs and I really prefer beeing outside on a jog than inside a gym on a treadmill.
Other than that not much to add, will go on my second ever diet in about a month or so. I will try to lose like eight kilos and will probably put up before and after pictures.